Dream City 2020
This past Saturday, LGA Studios, in partnership with Facility Lines and Designs and Peak Development Company Inc, participated in the “Dream City 2020” competition.
Our entry was a poster for a project in the conceptual phase—Mesa Park. Already developed by the Peak Development Company, these 11 lots will be built with LEED-certified homes in different architectural styles.
There isn't another neighbor like this in Colorado Springs. These homes will be energy-efficient - which in fact will save the homeowner much more money each month than any additional mortgage, spent to put in items like energy-star appliances and solar panels during construction. They will be constructed with better quality materials - both for the environment and for their living conditions. They will be built so that the homeowners can "age-in-place," without remodeling to accommodate their needs as they get older. And they'll show that "green" homes are not limited to a couple of styles. We're excited about this project, so I'm sure you'll hear more about it as we make it a reality.
“Dream City 2020” gave LGA Studios and Facility Lines and Designs a chance to formulate our ideas and present them. It's great that there are so many around this community desiring to discuss their visions to make Colorado Springs a better place.