Reclaimed Materials and Architectural Salvage in Colorado Springs
By some counts, half of all the waste in landfills comes from buildings. Most of that trash could have been recycled or reused. You may not have heard about your options to buy and sell salvaged building materials in Colorado Springs yet, so LGA Studios is here to enlighten you! Whether you are trying to be more eco-friendly, aiming for an authentically antique appearance in your new house or remodel, or trying to get rid of some building materials in your garage, you've got options now.

Innovative Building Materials to Use in a Custom Home to Improve Durability
Building a custom home is a significant investment. Whether you plan on aging with your custom home or selling it during a market upswing, the only way the investment will pay dividends is if you build it with materials that will stand the test of time.
Guest blogger Matt Lee writes more about several innovative building materials on the market that can help your custom home maintain its integrity in the face of harsh weather and the debilitating effects of time.

Hillside Home: Building Site Progress
Stunning progress shots from a custom home we loved working on! What a view! Still, after all these years in business, it's a thrilling feeling to see our clients' visions come to life.

5 Modern Custom Home Trends
Guest blogger Matt Lee from Innovative Building Materials is back with a post about modern custom home trends. Learn more about how homeowners are making their homes more luxurious, personalized, and sustainable than ever, incorporating accents such as bold trim, black fixtures, and plenty of glass.

Finding Home Design Inspiration During Your Quarantine
We all need to be taking excellent care of our mental health right now, and one of the best ways we’ve found to unwind while stuck at home is to give our creativity some time to play throughout each day. Try letting yourself have a little white space on your daily schedule to explore new and fresh ideas that you may not have had time for otherwise and to get to know yourself a little better. In this post are two of our favorite methods that we use regularly to brainstorm custom home designs and that we invite you to try during this time of self-quarantining and social distancing!